How to Convert BS to AD Date 2023

How to Convert BS to AD Date – We Nepalis know how important it is. While converting to a Nepali Birthday AD, we use it. So it is very important for Nepalis.

Friends, today we have told you how to change the date in BS to AD. If you don’t know how to convert, you can learn from here.

How to Convert BS to AD Date

The conversion of dates from the BS to the AD calendar is relatively simple. The BS calendar, also known as the Bikram Sambat (Nepali calendar), is used mainly in Nepal and India.

To convert a BS date to an AD date, subtract 57 years from the BS date and add 1 to account for the difference in epochs. For example, if the BS date is 2077-04-01, subtract 57 years to arrive at 2020-04-01. Note that this equation only works for dates after April 14th, 2000.

Convert Bs to AD

To convert an AD date to a BS date, add 57 years to the AD date and subtract 1 to account for the difference in epochs. For example, if the AD date is 2020-04-01, add 57 years to arrive at 2077-04-01. Note that this equation only works for dates after April 14th, 1943.

If you need to convert dates before April 14th, 2000 in the BS calendar to an AD date, you’ll need to use an online calculator or a Nepali calendar app.

Step By Step

Step 1: Go to Google then search Bs to Ad Date converter. then go to any site.

Step 2: Direct Go to Hamro Patro Date Converter.

Step 3: You Can Convert Bs to Ad Date.

How to Convert AD to BS Date

Converting an AD (Anno Domini) date to a BS (Bikram Sambat) date can be done with a few simple calculations. First, subtract 593 from the AD date to find the equivalent BS date. For instance, if the AD date is 2,020, the resulting BS date is 1,427. If you need to convert a specific date, such as August 5, 2020, to BS, subtract 593 from 8,520 to get 7,927.

Next, determine if the BS date is in the current or previous year. Bikram Sambat is based on the lunar calendar, so a new year typically starts in April or May. If the BS date is before the current year’s start, then the year is the same year as the AD date. For example, if the BS date is 6,000, and the current year starts at BS 8,000, then the year is still 2020.

Finally, if the BS date is after the current year’s start, then the year is one year less than the AD year. For instance, if the BS date is 8,500 and the current year starts at BS 8,000, then the year is 2019.

By following these steps, the AD date can easily be converted to the corresponding BS date.

Follow Step by Step

Step 1: Go to Google then search AD to BS Date converter. then go to any site.

Step 2: Direct Go to Hamro Patro Date Converter.

Step 3: You Can Convert AD to BS Date.

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I am LM Basu From Nepal. We Provide Technology Content, How to Make Money.

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